For an example: $100,000.00 invested by a qualified accredited investor in GoodMark Capital Group, Inc.'s 506 (c) Reg D offering would purchase 18,692 shares at the present offer price of $5.35 a share which represents: (0.037383177570093500% or 1/27th % of entire company’s portfolio.
As more mines and other cash flow producing hard assets are added to the portfolio the stock price is going to go up so getting in now is the most attractive position to be in for the investors.
As net revenue is produced from the first mine and all additional hard assets that produce cash flow are added to the portfolio the investors will get their share of net profit from all asset's that produce cash flow prorated to the percentage of the company they own.
Net revenue from the hard assets the company owns that produce cash flow will be paid out as a monthly cash flow distribution out of the mines and other cash flow producing assets net production.
The investors have the choice to take a monthly check or bank transfer for their total earned monthly revenue or if they elect to they have the option to take a portion of their percentage of the bullion produced from the mines and a check for the cash flow from all the other hard assets the company owns that produce cash flow as long as they pay the shipping cost.
The permanent position each investor holds in the company is in the entire equity portfolio with no additional contributions required to earn an increasing net revenue flow as the company grows.
The costs to operate the mines and other hard assets that are part of the portfolio will be subtracted from the gross revenue produced monthly with the balance of the net revenue distributed monthly to the investors with no operating costs from the company stepping on it.
During the funding period the company’s expenses will be paid with 30% of the investor’s contributions after no less than 70% of the investors contributions are invested in development of the mines and other cash flow producing assets. This is a one time fee to the investor. This is not a fee above and beyond their contribution. If they invest $100,000.00 they get $100,000.00 worth of stock at whatever price it is at that time.
This is a merely an accounting shown in writing of how the money is going to be used. All costs-Legal, accounting, secretarial/administrative staff salaries, consultant fees, annual reports, sales literature, postage, website, all corporate headquarters’ utilities, Insurance, cost of board and stock holder’s meetings, travel and all other company expenses will be paid out of no greater than 30% of the investor's contribution. This system has been designed with the investor in the front row seat.
As more shares are sold the raised revenue will be used to develop more gold mines that go into the portfolio making the investor’s check bigger. If the portfolio has 1 mine in it they get net cash flow from 1 mine. If the portfolio has 10 mines in it they get their share of net revenue from 10 mines. We have no limit on the amount of revenue we can raise per the legal terms of our 506 (c) Reg D filing with the SEC.
“GoodMark Capital Group, Inc. is an Equity Portfolio and all presently owned and future acquired Mines, Buildings, Land and Businesses are the property of all the stockholders in the company including the founders and investors.”
Our National Headquarters Building located at 103 East Adkins Street, Seagoville, Texas 75159, is the property of our shareholders.
We have made a cash purchase and own outright our 20 acre parcel of land located in Pima County, AZ. The land is in close proximity to our Oro Gold Mine and is located east of Arivaca at 14017, 14073, 14105 and 14181 West Jalidsco Road, Arivaca, Arizona 85601. We are going to potentially utilize the land for several functions during the development of our Oro Gold Mine. The following list is not all inclusive but shows some of the land use that will be required as we develop our mine. We intend to use the land as a location for our assay offices, a place for equipment storage, a location to do our pilot material processing runs for fine tuning of our processing procedures and our mine’s management and supervision field offices.
We are an equity portfolio and all of our stockholders own their prorated share of all assets GoodMark Capital Group, Inc. owns. We are focused on hard asset ownership with minimal or no debt. Although our main focus is to put into full operation our drill core verified assayed and Government Tested (MLA 24-94 316 Pages; 21.8 mb, MAP) Oro Gold Mine in Arizona, GoodMark will continue to acquire other hard assets as well including Land, Commercial and Residential Real Estate, Operating Businesses, Machinery and Equipment.
Collage of Property And Equipment Owned By GoodMark Capital Group, Inc.’s Shareholders.
Our extensive business experience combined with our multiple mining engineering staff's years of experience in the mining industry has provided a powerful team to achieve GoodMark Capital Group, Inc.‘s goals. We have hired some of the best mining engineering firms in North America to test, design, equip, manage and operate these mines for GoodMark Capital Group, Inc. Our mining engineer's have provided various engineering and geological services to some of the largest mining companies in the world providing engineering and geological services for mining ventures in British Columbia, Honduras, New Zealand, Australia, Nunavut and the Yukon as well as domestic mine projects in Alaska, Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota and Utah.
Goodmark Capital Group, Inc. (2017-2018 UPDATE): Assay and gravity concentration test of our now claimed Oro Gold Mine extended areas. (click on link and friend us on facebkook to see our latest project development photos)–> GoodMark Capital Group, Inc. has now claimed up 108 Claims total including our origional Oro Gold Mine and newly acquired extended area plus our Sulfide Claims to the north (Previously Known As The Idaho Mine Group) and The Choctaw Mine. (NEW TOTAL CLAIMS ACERAGE IS AS FOLLOWS: 2,189.96+15.75+18.06=2,22
Click on the links below to show our test results, new claim information, location maps and photographs etc. 1. Assay Report to Mark-1 5-27-17-r , 2. Platt Maps For Claims, 3. Numbered Claim Block Diagram , 4. Topographical Claim Block Map , 5. Our First Mill Under Construction Of The Two To Be Built This Year We Have Purchased , 6. Collage
MINE SITE 1: GoodMark Capital Group, Inc. has 108 claims Total in our Oro Gold Mine, Sulfide Gold Mine And Choctaw Gold Mine in southern Arizona. We hold the mineral rights to 2,22
($100M +/- gold reserves rotary drill core sample verified; sample procedures were followed that meet the requirements for NI 43-101 reporting; audit assayed; volumetric calculation; 5-7 year extraction life-rectangular box indicating test area shown on map below only), ($135-$404M+/- mineral reserve; rotary drill and percussion core sampled; USBM tested; probable volumetric calculation – Per Dekalb Mining Inc.'s reserve calculation in 1982.) see footnote ¹
Projection shown below indicates the value of the mine that is expected from recalculation on the original claim area of only the partial section of our whole claim that has had up to 400 ft deep drill core verification performed on it (See yellow claim block area only indicated in the news and updates section of our website) per Dekalb Mining Inc.'s minable reserves calculation in 1982 when factoring the (0.37) Ounces Per ton of Gold / OPT AU shown in later drill core verification program's audit assay). see footnote ¹
OPT AU shown in later deep drill core verification programs: (0.37 OPT AU)
Reserve tons estimate Per Dekalb Mining Inc (1982): 2,500,000 to 7,500,000 raw ore material.
Corrected Reserves Ounces Estimate at (0.37 OPT AU) = 925,000 to 2,775,000 ounces of gold.
Net per oz after extraction costs estimate: $900.00
Low / High value per Dekalb’s mineable ore material reserves estimate = $832,500,000.00 / $2,497,500,000.00
(Gold only – not including our new 60 additional claim block)
footnote ¹: (See: Page 10 GoodMark Prospectus Brochure 9314r) “4. Dekalb Mining Inc. (1982): Surface sampling program and their study of the distribution of silicified zones showed their estimated possible and potential reserves tonnage to be 2.5 to 7.5 million tons equaling 150,000 to 450.000 oz. gold.” Referenced from Page 24 section 6.5 of 80 page total “Report On ORO GOLD PROJECT” dated November 15, 2004 by J.H. Montgomery Professional Qualified Person, PH.D, P.Eng.
GoodMark Capital Group, Inc. has completed a gravity concentration test run of material from the mine where we were successful in producing Gold from the Ore by extraction using just water without the need for chemicals. We
are in the process of commencing 60 X 1,000 ton pilot plant studies from the material just lying on the ground from the decades of testing that has been historically performed on the property. These material run studies will allow
us to fine tune our extraction process to strive to hit our goal of achieving a $300.00 an ounce extraction cost while yielding what we have identified as a projected NET of 6 million dollars worth of gold from the ore that has been dug out of the formation and stockpiled on the property.
This property has historically been awarded equipment permitting twice in its testing history and the property has already had a reclamation bond issued on it as recently as 2012 through the application process with the United States Forestry Service. This bond was required for the last rotary drilling testing program that has been performed on the mine.
These approvals represented a giant leap forward and historic milestones that may make the total permit process and the development curve to put the mine into full production greatly compressed. Our mining engineers have stated with confidence we should be able to start our small mineral waiver notice level start of production and start net smelter revenue in approximately 6 to 8 months with full ramp up to full production as the BLM approval time frame allows.
The following assessment work has been performed on our Oro Gold Mine in Arizona:
100 hole percussion core sample program as deep as 385 feet close spaced approximately 50 feet apart showed higher AU oz/ton then 36.78 acre test shown below. This core sample program showed an identified deposit with demonstrated potential but not a proven reserve defined ore body since it was not done to International ISO/IEC 17025-2005 standards. Our mining engineers say we could do a bulk sample for low cost at narrow intersects and test by pad/cyanide on site to show the area as provable/minable but not as a proven reserve. They also said we should be able to utilize drill collars to do a prove drill program to identify each hole and do an audit assay to NI 43-101 reporting standards tying in this core sample data to demonstrate
an expanded reserve.
The physical core samples that we obtained with the purchase of the mine are stored in Nogales near the mine for easy access by our mining engineering staff and a prove drill tie in may cost around $35,000.00.
The program entailed twelve vertical HQ size diamond drill holes to a maximum depth of 100 feet to confirm historic near surface test results for a total of approximately 1200 feet of diamond drilling to assess gold mineralization in four main target areas. The test area was a 2000 ft N-S by 800 ft E-W (610 meters N-S by 244 meters E-W) section of the entire 1,632.14 acre mine or around .06 sq mi or approximately 36.78 acres. The samples were taken to an accredited laboratory recognized to International Standard ISO/IEC 17025-2005 in Tucson, Arizona. Gold analysis was done using a combined process of Fire Assay pre-concentration followed by an Atomic Absorption finish. This is considered industry accepted procedure.
Initial assay procedure: (Test # 1)
Core samples were collected, selected, handled and delivered to the laboratory in Tucson, Arizona by an independent Registered Geologist in charge of the QA/QC program on this project. Sample procedures were followed that meet the requirements for NI 43-101 reporting. Standards and blanks were inserted at prescribed intervals in each hole as well as a second re-sample of one reject material interval from each hole. Standards were provided from a reputable independent geochemical contractor. This was in addition to the Tucson labs independent internal standards for QA/QC procedures.
Check audit assay procedure: (Test # 2)
For check assays, select pulp samples were shipped from the laboratory in Tucson, Arizona directly to an ISO accredited lab in Reno, Nevada by the Tucson lab’s employees as requested by the previous claim optionee. The Reno, Nevada laboratory tested the pulps for gold via fire assay with gravimetric finish. Two standards and one blank were included for QA/QC purposes.
Final audit assay procedure: (Test # 3)
For the audit assays, select pulp samples from all holes were shipped from the initial assay lab and the check assay lab to the third test facility in Canada (an ISO accredited lab) as requested by the previous claim optionee. The pulps were tested for gold via fire assay with gravimetric finish. Standards and blanks were included in pulps for each hole for QA/QC purposes by the previous claim optionee in addition to the lab’s independent internal standards for QA/QC.
The original claim owners that had contracted the claim purchase with the publicly traded Canadian mining company HELLIX VENTURES INC. (HEL:TSX.V / HLLXF:OTC) -Vancouver received a legal release of the purchase agreement after this over extended and cash strapped mining and oil company optionee announced they were unable to meet the terms of this Arizona claim purchase of the Oro Mine that was previously know as The McDonald Prospect and The Margarita Mine. In a press release dated September 5, 2013 Hellix Ventures stated the following.
”Due to the present situation in the public mineral exploration and development markets, Hellix is making every effort to lower its cash outlays for the near term. The Company attempted to re-negotiate the property lease payments with the property owner, but were unsuccessful.”
This publicly traded Canadian oil and mining company found themselves cash strapped and had to walk away from the project.
The mining claim owner informed one of our mining engineers, that designed and managed the extensive drill coring sample program on the property, that he wanted to find another buyer that will manage and operate the project from start to finish since the original claim holders will retain two points in the project until they receive an agreed amount of production/revenue. On September 20, 2013 GoodMark Capital Group, Inc. acquired the claim from the owners including the laboratory analysis assay information and possession of the physical core samples that we have in storage in Nogales, AZ. We own a 98% stake in the original 19 claim block (392.54 acres) of the project and on September 1, 2014 we added 60 additional surrounding contigious claims (1,239.6 acres) that we own 100% of the rights too all the precious metals, industrial metals and rare earth minerals. TOTAL: (1,632.14 acres / 2.55 sq miles)
We have an extensive amount of additional information (Over 700 pages) on the 13 sampling and testing programs that have been historically performed on the Arizona mine that was provided by the original claim owner on these unpatented claims that are located approximately 75 miles SW of Tucson, Arizona. There are no fractions within our claim group and there can be no dispute in the future as to the validity of the location of the claim block we own on this mine. Surveys that were previously performed on the property also indicate the plotting location of old drill holes that were not reclaimed, and old historic shallow testings and workings that were not on any historical maps.
The earliest production recorded in the surrounding area was in the 1890’s and most recently in 1941.
The Claims have been held by one family for decades and they have offered to share their extensive personal knowledge of the property and region. We also gain access to over 40 files of geological, geophysical and preliminary feasibility reports, detailed maps, aerial mapping and photos to assist in our plans for exploration and development of the property. Between the years 1976 and 1987, five companies tested the flat-lying mineralized zones on this property but little drilling was done to test the possibility of gold bearing feeder veins until the testing programs shown above were performed.
Cost Of Production: According to third party information we make available to our investors the North American national average all inclusive cash cost to produce an ounce of gold is around $598.00 an ounce. That cost includes buying the claim, testing the property to prove it up, geology / mining engineer fees, reclamation bond, permitting, equipping, and operational costs. (Salaries, diesel, electric, security, armored car transport to the lab, final refining costs estimated at 3%, and repairing the equipment as needed etc.)
Everything listed above before the operational cost is paid for with 70 % of the investor’s 1 time contributions in exchange for the cash flow stock they are purchasing. Once all the parts and pieces to successfully operate the mines are paid for with this money with no debt service the net revenue from the production of the mines themselves minus the operational costs (Our mining engineers estimate $300.00 an ounce which they say is possibly too much money) is the gross production minus the operational costs only of the mines. After the operating mines are only faced with the operational costs to operate. (Approximately $300.00 an ounce) the net proceeds are going to be sent to the investors per their NOT TO BE DILUTED prorated share percentage they own of the entire equity portfolio in a monthly distribution.
Exploration And Findings: GoodMark Capital Group, Inc. has tested 9 additional properties. Three of these showed profitably producible amounts of gold and silver. Out of this testing we located a 1200 acre California property which we estimates may have as much as 40 +/- million dollars worth of gold in it and could run as high as 200 +/- million dollars worth of gold if we are successful in acquiring the lode claim mine adjacent to this property. Two sets of samples totaling 39 surface and pit samples have been taken on this property and studied and read out about .18 ounces of gold per ton. The lode claim mine adjacent to this claim was operated from 1979 to 1981 by a Canadian mining company. The extraction of the reserve was only partially completed before the mine was idled when the spot price of gold dropped to $400 an ounce. This lode mine has an extensive amount of testing and operational data that shows there potentially remains in the deposit higher amounts of gold and silver than the adjacent 1200 acre claim. We will be working to acquire both these claims in the future after we have the Oro Gold Mine in Arizona in operation. In addition we have located 2 additional California properties for future development we estimates may contains as much as 500+/- million dollars worth of gold in them. Preliminary samples have been taken on both of these properties. A second set of samples on theses two additional properties have not been taken but are in the planning.
Our plan is to focus all of our attention on putting the Oro Gold Mine in Arizona in production as fast as possible. Additional mines we have tested that show great promise will be pursued secondly as GoodMark Capital Group, Inc. builds a solid foundation for consistent cash flow from production from the Oro Gold mine. GoodMark Capital Group, Inc. intends to add additional hard assets that meet our criteria and produce additional cash flow. Businesses we are able to acquire at a smart price during these troubling economic times that have a minimum of a million dollars net cash flow a year after the debt service where management can remain in place. These additional acquisitions are to remain a minor part of our portfolio with the main focus being centered on developing profitable gold mining operations.
CAUTIONARY STATEMENT: No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein. This information disclosure includes certain “forward-looking statements”. Other than statements of historical fact, all statements included in this disclosure, including, without limitation, statements regarding future plans and objectives of GoodMark Capital Group, Inc., are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from GoodMark Capital Group, Inc.’s expectations are the risks detailed herein and from time to time in the filings made by GoodMark Capital Group, Inc. with securities regulators. This report is not and will not be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States of America or any State or local Securities Agency. Not a public offering of any nature or an offering for sale. All parties are required to be accredited investors to enter into any private placement program according to any SEC regulatory agency. This is not a tradable security in any form. All figures are based purely on projected numbers only and are not to be construed as any kind of promise or guaranty of actual production. GoodMark Capital Group, Inc. does not guarantee any information or figures contained herein to be true or accurate and cannot be held responsible for accuracy of any of the information contained herein or any other material related to this report including imagery of gold or other precious metals represented on this website or in any of our literature or marketing material. GoodMark Captal Group, Inc.'s marketing material including this website may include imagery depicting mining equipment used for illustration purposes and examples of systems that may or may not be utilized to test or process material from our mining property. Not FDIC Insured • May Lose Value • No Bank Guarantee • Not insured by any government agency. Rev82714